Call for papers

Call for papers

Submit your paper latest until 15 April 2025. Please note: Speakers will receive a discounted conference fee. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Subject *Abstract *Author...
Celle Drilling 2024 successfully concluded

Celle Drilling 2024 successfully concluded

After two days, Celle Drilling has come to a successful end. Visitors from over 17 countries took advantage of the opportunity to learn about current developments in the fields of geothermal energy and drilling technology in well over 30 lectures.The lectures ranged...
Baker Hughes

Baker Hughes

We develop and deploy the most advanced technologies to serve energy and industrial companies looking for more efficient, more reliable and cleaner solutions.  Our diverse portfolio of technologies and solutions are transforming how industry works today and in...


We create and deploy the technology and systems needed to simultaneously reduce emissions while meeting the world’s growing energy demands, ensuring progress for people and the planet, on the journey to net zero and beyond.​
Celle Drilling 2024 successfully concluded

Thanks to our sponsors

Less than 3 months until the Celle Drilling – time for a first thank you to our sponsors: Gold Sponsor Baker Hughes Silver Sponsor KUGLER MB Well Services Zeppelin Power Systems Sponsor Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. Would you like to become a...
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